Hey there Family and Friends!!
This week has been super awesome!! I love being a missionary...have I
mentioned that before?...No? ok...Well there ya go. This area is on fire...I
have never taught so much my whole mission! We are working with a lot of part
member families and it is so fun to be apart of.
So a couple cool stories from this week! President Samuelian..of course
got the hook ups for the whole mission to see the movie 'Meet the Mormons' the
day before it came out in theatres and it was SO GOOOOD!!!! Everyone needs to
see this. I cried. And the people that they interview and show there life
stories are so diverse....I love it! I wanted it to go for two more hrs because
I know that there are so many amazing stories from the members of this church in
all parts of the world! Interesting story trying to make it to the building in
Bend...first off our zone leaders told our whole district the wrong address and
so we all drove to the wrong building and we were already late! Anyways its
really interesting to drive in a place you have never been before and just try
and find your way...im actually really good at back tracking! haha
We are still meeting with Renee every week and she is doing amazing! She
is an all or nothing kinda girl. Her husband is Hugo and he translated for
President when he spoke in the Spanish branch and the Spanish elders told us
that it was a really spiritual experience and that Hugo started to cry in the
middle of translating. So cool.
We were able to contact a lady named Kathy! She was a referral from the
elders and so we went to meet her, she was so delightful to get to know!! We got
out of our car and she was smoking, she is a very tall lady and invited us in to
talk. She has long pretty gray hair. Anyways we have a return apt with her and
im so excited to teach her!!!!! The appt was actually for this morning and we
went to sis Phillips the member we invited to come teach, to follow us there and
we start driving away and she honks, so I stop and she pulls up next to us and
holds up a cat and says "my cat is in the car, I didn't know, I have to take her
back home ill be right back!" so we waited there and while we were Kathy called
and said that she didn't sleep well and to call her in a couple days to set up
another time. It happens a lot in missionary work..you kinda just gotta role
with the punches! We will probably see her this weekend:) Im excited.
So there was an car accident that happened in Bend a couple weeks
ago...where the man who was driving was drunk and he had 4 or 5 little girls in
the car, taking them to a sleepover or picking them up, something like that.
Anyways really sad...one of the girls died and the rest were injured and are
still in intensive care. But there was one that walked away without getting
hurt..Her name is Isabella and her dad is a less active member of the church
along with his mom. They somehow contacted the church and said that they are
ready to be back and to have the missionaries come visit them. So we did. And we
were able to teach them last night and it went so well...we got to know them and
see where there at with there testimonies. The little girl Phoenix that died in
the accident was over at there home all the time..and the ward has been bringing
meals to that family. It was interesting..so hien sight we were eating at the
Bishops home right after the accident happened and they were telling us all
about it for the first time. and I had said that would be really cool if we were
able to help out in some way or work closely with some of those people. and here
we are! :) We invited Lena and her daughter Elizabeth to be baptized if they
were to come to know that its true! They said yess!
Fast and testimony meeting was so amazing yesterday. I really needed
church yesterday...its funny how that works when you are a missionary..cause you
do churchy things all the time. But I needed church and I needed to bear my
testimony. I love it. When church started we had no piano player or organist
so...Bro Morrison was stalling while they were trying to figure out how they
would get the Organ to play on its own. It all worked out eventually but it was
one of those moments where you wish you never quit piano lessons! haha :(
Oh we had interviews with President and Sis Samuelian on Friday! They went
so well...the are just parents away from home I feel like I am talking to my mom
when I talk to sister samuelian and esp. when I talk to Prez Samuelian its just
like talking to my dad. I love it. They are so wonderful and do so much for this
mission! Idk if I have ever mentioned the strengths test that they have had all
the missionaries take..but Prez and I share 3 out of the 5; Arranger, positivity
and belief. Pretty cool. He also told me that he will never stop calling me
"Heyyywood!" even after I am married. I told him "Good because I will always be
a Heywood!" haha Then he told me I need to name my first boy Heywood! haha Which
Im so down for. I told him about Renee's and the confirmation she received and
he started to cry...and said "You cant put a price tag on that.
huh?" "Nope!"
Its so true....you cant put a price tag on any of this. I love to teaching
about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love talking to people and knowing there
stories. There struggles and there triumphs. I love you all and hope that you
have a wonderful week!
Love Sister Heywoooody!
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