This week has been a really great week...lots of happy things! Last
munday after pday was over we had dinner with the madsens and we just really
enjoy our time with them, they had invited over a friend to eat with us it was
someone that bro. madsen goes to school with and they didnt tell us robert was
coming but he was so nice and asked us a lot of questions and it was a
really fun and funny! We shared a message and as we were walking out the
door ..bro madsen goes "alright start praying for him to get baptized!" haha he
was teasing him but it was quite funny. Sorry your missin out had to be there.
We also checked out a bird book at the library for a recent convert armando
cause we asked if we could do anything for him and so he said ive never been to
the library here could you get a bird book for me haha so the next day we saw
him riding down the sidewalk on his electric wheelchair and i busted out of the
car and gave it to he didnt see that one coming! We love him sweetest
old guy!
We had our lesson with John and Nevada on wed and had the baldwins (that
we love) there with us they both have been on missions! We talked about the plan
of happiness and it went great...they literally are so prepared and i cant
explain to you how happy it makes me to see them sitting together in church and
how happy they look! They set there baptism date for NOVEMBER 9TH and they are
preparing for that! They are just wonderful people..ya know?! After every lesson
they basically say they have always thought of it like that and when we extend
commitments they are so humble and willing! We know they will make a great
addition to the church, so solid!
Thurs we volunteered at a elementary school for there harvest festival it
was really fun and we talked to a lot of people! Friday was a busy busy day! We
had our district meeting and the vegas came in (who have also been on missions)
to talk about the international night we are having in november and talked about
the spanish branch being formed and Sis sigmon and i ended up teaching our DL
elder Sutton never tells us whos going to teach and so that way we all prepare
and good thing we did i had a funny feeling haha it went really good! After we
ended up going on splits with the senior couple in our district, so we had sis
scott with us and the people we visited and her being there was exactly what
they needed esp Sue she is a wonderful lady who has been meetin with the
missionaries for 5+ years and comes to church but is not baptized (we think its
fear) but having sis Scott there with us was EXACTLY what sue needed to hear and
the spirit was strong and she is one step closer to the descion of being
baptized...she knows it true...She already asked her grandson to baptize her
before he leaves in his mission. Right?! so awesome. She will be the breaking
point of her son also being baptized and a friend of hers we are working with.
We also had a lesson with Wiley, Beanies Friend on campus it was so awesome and
she came to church sunday! We hope she continues to realize that the things we
have been teaching her, are for her and not just for her world religions
paper..dont worry ill tell her!
I dont know if i mentioned in last weeks email but sis sigmon are part of
history along with our zone leader! There is a Y.young S.single group
starting here in the forest grove stake and we had 12 people there
yesterday...which is a lot! But they are wanting 50 by January so they can start
a branch but its cool cause we are able to go to there FHEs and Institute as
long as we dont have a lesson cause those are first priority of course!! So they
had Sacrament with the Forest Grove 2nd ward then have there seperate sunday
school and relief society/preisthood and since it was the first sunday noone was
really called to teach so sis sig and i had 10 min notice to teach the plan of
salvation which went really well and it was good since wiley was there! I love
being a missionary. We are getting a lot of refferals from the ward lately so
things are going well and we had the ward chili cook of saturday night and had a
lot of investigators there ohhh it was so fun! They had donut on a string and it
reminded me of our Heywood Family nights during halloween! haha Speakin of i got
the package from my Fav red Syd! I love you alll so much and LOVED everything i
got in my package!!! So sweeet! I felt like i was part of a Heywood family
night reading through all the letters and looking at the wonderful artistic
drawings! and The sour patch kids that i wont have to spend all my money on!! ;)
(that one is for shae and britt) so hopefully they read these! Sis Sigmon was
pretty wierded out by how i was acting haha cause I felt like i was part of the
"idiots" haha hadent felt that way in awhile! Your letters remind me of who i am
just like attending those family nights always eternally happy we have
that tradition!
Sis sigmons bday was yesterday and she turned 20! Her Golden Bday! I like
surprises so i heart attacked the room and her bathroom (yes we have our own
bathrooms,were spoiled) in the middle of the night and planned a surprise
breakfast for her with Sis Collins who we love dearly and they might be staying
in the ward! We also had dinner with the sorensons and it was there son lukes
bday also so they celebrated both It was a funn good sunday! Full of Treats and
sugar and im kinda candied out and halloween isnt even here yet!
haha Im going on a sugar boycott. Oh also i have a lot of clientle here haha
(not really) but im doing like 4 peoples hairs today! I love the Happiness the
Gospel brings me and can literally see it! My cheeks hurt from
Love Sista Heywood!
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