Hollllla Amiga's and amigos!
I'm going to try my best
and tell you what happen this week but
this morning seems like 2
days ago and yesterday was like 5 days ok.
That's what a
missionary mind is like its super funny cause you will
start to
tell someone something and your like the other day...and
later realize what you were talking about was only last
night or this
morning! It's great, let me tell
We got our iPads :) that's what I'm emailing of right
pretty fun! Oh my goodness they have been so so so
helpful! Blessings
have come from them. It has taken me a bit to
warm up to them cause I
thought I would just love it at first. I
love studying " preach my
gospel" and the scriptures that's when
I started to warm up to it but
at the same time still marking up
and using my scriptures! The meeting
in Tuesday was about a 5
hour long training on how to use them and get
them set up!
President Samuelian was Soo funny, I have some pretty
quotes from him that day! We do all our planning in the
and are trying to transfer all the area book info into
them it's a
process but we are loving it more and more! The work
Ok so about the weather is been so so
beautiful Oregon has been
having a drought it's one of the
driest seasons they have had and so
like no rain which I'm ok
with but the farms need it! But the sun is
out and it has been
so beautiful and sunny and the clouds have been
amazing! The
sunsets are to die for!! We keep taking a billion pics
that we
will probably delete half of later hahah!
We went on exchange
this week and that was quite the adventure i
wasn't feeling that
great so my brain was like dnfiskfbsksodhfbnsks
that exactly. It was a good day I stayed in Brownsville
siesta Chappell went to Salem ysa! Sister baker came to
and we got up and were to shawna and skips by 8 to help
feed the cows
that was interesting...esp. That early! I was
thankful for sis Forrest
who brought boots for us to walk
through the mud! Then we went and
helped clean the church! Did
some normal missionary stuff throughout
the day, lots of
service! Until I decided to drive out to shedd this
small town
without a GPS to find a la and the sun was going
out we ended up driving around for an hr trying to find
house....it was soooo lame hahah so sis baker told me about
"8 boyfriends" instead of us talking about how we were going
to make
it back to Brownsville in time for our dinner appt.!
Don't worry we
made it! It was quite the adventure! I did
learned a lot from sis
baker that day though she is a visa
waiter for Brazil! She is great, I
love her and she can rap so
it's cool. We got to our appt at the Meyrs
who I have never
eaten at before but have met and they had there
friend over mike
rossiter who is a potential and an amazing guy and
famous he is the only guy in the world that has TAZED
ELK....and so if you have ever heard or read his story on
news....we are pretty special and got the full story which
hilarious and probably the best part of our day cause we
also got to
share a message with him! He gave us his card at the
end and said to
call us if we ever needed anything....were all
mike I don't think
your realized what you just did, you gave
missionaries your info hahah
we are calling him
We are still working on a day to set up with our landlord
and his
family! They have been busy but I know it will happen
and we are so
ready for it we are just being patient and not too
pushy...he texted
us the other day and said that he talked to
his wife and they want to
do it and will let us know a day soon!
I know they will feel the
spirit here.
was eventful we did a quilt class for an hr not much time
I'm starting my own quilt and there is a la named Brenda who
teaching us! She is super talented and then we spent the day
with our
branch mission leader and his sweet wife (isaksen)...we
followed them
to Albany to get our to front tires replaced cause
before i got here
Olivia the excommunicated member backed into
the car haha :/ then we
did some shopping and I got to go to
target for the first time since
I've been on a mission and use a
gift card I got from a lady I did
hair for at cosmos...finally I
was so excited! Haha then they took us
to DQ it was the bomb!
haha they are the sweetest and love us so much
and we love them!
They have a pretty dang cute story!
Something I love this
week is that we got to teach the young women
yesterday here in
the branch and it was so amazing...I told my story.
It has been
a year and I have learned a lot from telling this story.
time I tell this story esp. To my companions I realize how
normal it is but how much it affects, teaches and is an
example to
people. I know not all of will know what I'm talking
about but just
know everything happens for a reason and The Lord
has a plan for each
and everyone of us! It's so great. Be
grateful for adversity and
recognize that you need him to get
throughout those times! Alma
Also I
love when members invite la or friends to dinner when we
it works wonders! Try that in each of the Areas you
in....members and missionaries together that is how The Lord
have it!
Love love love
sister heywood!!!
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